Fees face-to-face tutoring


Fees face-to-face tutoring.

Pre-payment packages (in £) Rates European Union Rates Worldwide (Excl. EU)
VIP package
10 hours one-to-one, 2 consecutive days
2200 2500
200 hours 13999 19999
100 hours 7499 9999
50 hours 3899 4999
40 hours 3099 3999
30 hours 2350
20 hours 1595
Per 2 hours (trial session) 249

For lessons in small groups from 2 till 5 students.

  • For one-to-one lessons a 40% surcharge applies
  • Minimum number of hours per week: 20 hours (EU) or 30 hours (worldwide)
  • All rates are from and subject to change at any time.
  • VIP packages: USA, Oceania, Africa, Asia- minimum 6 consecutive days.
  • Trial session: online only

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Fees face-to-face tutoring
Face-to-face tutoring